What is the difference between admission in progress and admission is being processed?

If you’re regularly checking your admission status on JAMB CAPS, you’ll come across different messages showing “the different progress stages” of your application.

The two most common messages you’ll see are “Admission in Progress” and “Admission Is Being Processed.”

While they look or seem like they’re the same thing, they have different meanings.

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And, if you’re wondering what is the difference between them or you’re among those asking questions like “What does it mean when your jamb caps says admission in progress”, I’m here with the answer.

I’ll explain them, and show you exactly “What is the difference between admission in progress and admission is being processed”.

What does your admission is being processed mean?

Your “Admission Is Being Processed” means that your application has been received and is currently at the early stage of its review.

This is the stage where the school will check if you submitted a complete application; and whether all the required information is included in your application.

At this stage, they’ll also check your academic qualifications, JAMB and post-UTME scores, O’leve results and other important documents.

It is the beginning stage in the admission process, meaning nothing much has been done on your application so far.

At this stage, if everything is in order, your status will likely change to “Admission in Progress.”

This means you have moved to the second phase, the phase closer to the decision stage.

Seeing “Admission Is Being Processed” does not mean much, it’s just the early hours of the whole process.

There is nothing serious that has been done at this stage.

Things to know when JAMB says your admission is being processed 

    • Your school just received your application.
    • They just started going through it
    • Not much has been done by the school admission office to review your application.
    • You have not yet been recommended for admission.
    • JAMB has not received your name for final verification.
    • Your admission is not yet guaranteed.

What does it mean when your JAMB caps says admission in progress?

When your JAMB CAPS says “Admission in Progress,” it means your application has passed the initial screening stage, and the school you chose is actively reviewing it for a final decision.

It implies that they’ve started considering you for admission.

It is a sign that your application is now in an advanced stage, it has gone through basic checks.

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They’re now doing a more detailed evaluation of your application, checking if you performed better than other candidates.

At this stage, you don’t need to celebrate, anything can still happen, your admission is not final, and the process is still ongoing – you can still be rejected.

However, it is a sign that something good will likely happen because it means you’re getting closer to a decision.

Still, it does not guarantee admission!

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The school still need to verify your results and make sure that you meet the admission requirements for the course you applied for.

If everything checks out for you, your status will change to “Congratulations, you have been admitted.”

But if your application is unsuccessful, it will change to “Not Admitted.”

Example: If you applied for Computer Science at the University of Lagos and JAMB CAPS shows “Admission in Progress,” it means that UNILAG’s admission office has gone through your application, checked everything and is about to decide on it.

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If they later decide to give you admission, your status will change to “Admitted.” but, if they decide not to give you admission, it’ll change to “Not Admitted.”

Things you need to keep in mind when you see admission in progress

    • Your school has gone through all your details.
    • They are considering whether to offer you admission
    • This is the final stage.
    • Your results and eligibility have been confirmed.

Remember that both “Admission Is Being Processed” and “Admission in Progress,” is neither a confirmation nor a rejection of your application.

What is the difference between admission in progress and admission is being processed

The difference between admission in progress and admission is being processed is that “Admission is Being Processed” means your application is in the early stages of review, where the school is checking if your application is complete and whether you meet the requirements for admission While “Admission in Progress” is a later stage, where your application has passed the initial review and is now being actively considered for admission.

When your admission is being processed, your application has not gotten to the decision-making stage, but when it is in progress, the school is about to decide on it, it is at the decision-making stage.

If your status is “Admission in Progress,” you are closer to getting admitted or rejected, while “Admission is Being Processed” means you are still in the early verification stage.

Furthermore, you usually see “Admission in Progress” when the school is about to send its admission list to JAMB for final approval.

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Example: If you applied for Law at the University of Lagos and see “Admission is Being Processed,” it means your school has just started reviewing your applications.

If your name is shortlisted and sent to JAMB, the status will change to “Admission in Progress.”

After “Admission in Progress,” the next step is usually “Congratulations, you have been admitted.”

If your application is not successful, your status will change to “Not Admitted” from either stage.

“Admission in Progress” is usually seen on JAMB CAPS, while “Admission is Being Processed” can appear on the school’s admission portal.

A table shows the difference between admission in progress and admission is being processed

Here is a simple table showing the difference between “Admission in Progress” and “Admission is Being Processed”:

Feature Admission is being processed Admission in progress
Stage in admission Process Early stage Later stage, close to the final decision
What it means The school is checking if all documents are complete and valid The school is making a final decision on your admission
Who is reviewing? Initial processing team (checking eligibility and documents) Admission committee or school authorities
Likelihood of admission Still being reviewed, no guarantee yet Stronger consideration, but not yet final
Next possible status May move to “Admission in Progress” or stay in processing longer Will change to either “Admitted” or “Not Admitted”

What to do when your status says admission is being processed on JAMB CAPS

If your status shows admission is being processed, you should

  • Keep checking your JAMB CAPS regularly.
  • If you have not, kindly upload your O’level results
  • Avoid making unnecessary changes to your application unless advised to do so.
  • Always check your email or SMS for any updates from JAMB or the school.
  • If your status remains the same for a long time, contact the school’s admission office to confirm there are no issues.

What to do when your status shows admission in Progress on JAMB CAPS

When your status shows admission in progress

  • Do not panic or get too excited—your admission is still in its early review.
  • Make sure your details (like course choice and result uploads) are correct to avoid disqualification.
  • Keep checking JAMB CAPS and your school portal in case there is an update.
  • If you’re later admitted, accept or reject the admission as soon as possible.

Can “Admission in progress” change to “Not admitted”?

Yes, “Admission in Progress” can change to “Not Admitted” if after reviewing your application the school decides that you do not meet their final admission requirements or that there are no available slots for you in your course of choice.

Even though “Admission in progress” is a positive sign, it does not guarantee admission, you can still be rejected.

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If the school selects other candidates instead of you or finds an issue with your application, your status will change to “Not Admitted.”

Final words

  • “Admission is being processed” means your application is at the early stage of its processing.
  • “Admission in Progress” means your school is about to decide on your application, it is now at the final stage.

If you see “Admission in Progress,” your admission is almost certain, even though the final decision still needs to be made.

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