Do host families get paid for exchange students?

Group of student smiling and standing near brown wooden table raising hands

While the main goal of hosting foreign exchange students isn’t to make money, most families that are willing to host students can’t handle the cost without some form of stipend. Hosting gives you the chance to learn about a new culture, build lifelong connections, and share your daily life with the students. However, being a … Read more

Can international students take a semester off in Canada?

Picture of students inside a Classroom in the University

In Canada, international students must stay enrolled full-time to keep their student status active. This means you can’t take time off from your studies unless it’s during scheduled breaks like winter or summer. However, the rules allow some flexibility. If you’re facing health issues, family emergencies, financial difficulties, academic struggles, or related issues, you have … Read more

How early can I travel to Australia after being granted a student visa 500?

A female student wearing a black blazer standing behind her locker

Congratulations if your Australian student visa has been granted. Now that you have it, it’s good to be clear on “when to enter the country” for your studies. Certainly, it will help you plan your trip, and ensure you arrive at the right time, to start your program. The Australian student visa has flexible entrance … Read more

What happens when an international student drops out of college?

Frustrated college student sitting in her room with her hands holding her cheeks

As international students, we all hope to finish our studies and build successful careers afterwards. However, it doesn’t always go as planned. Sometimes, financial struggles or personal issues like health problems can get in the way. When these challenges arise, tough choices are made – one of them can be, dropping out of college. It’s … Read more

What happens when an international student gets deported from Canada?

Male and female College students who are friends walking down the street of the city

Recently, over 700 Indian students were at risk of deportation after Canadian federal authorities uncovered that the Letters of Admission (LOAs) they used to enter the country were fraudulent. At the time the discovery was made, many of these students had already graduated and were employed in Canada. Several students have been deported for similar … Read more