Can I pay my acceptance fee when JAMB has not given me admission?

Group of students sitting on their matriculation ceremony

Normally, when a school offer you admission and you accept it, JAMB is supposed to confirm and validate the admission your school gave you. Then, change your admission status in their Central Admissions Processing System (CPAS) to “admitted” before you can pay your acceptance fee. Now, if you’re currently in a situation where your school … Read more

What do visa officers check for student visa?

A white female student in Black and White Striped Shirt Holding Laptop

When you submit your student visa application, a visa officer will thoroughly check it. After checking your visa, the officer will decide whether to approve it, reject it or ask for additional documents/information. The particular decision the officer will make depends on what the officer will notice when checking your visa. The check for the … Read more

El Amin University Minna courses and tuition fees

El Amin university logo

El-Amin University, Minna, is one of the private universities in Nigeria that is currently attracting attention from all corners of the country. The university has proven to deliver quality education over time – the proof is there! They have courses in different fields, and their courses are designed to prepare students for success in today’s … Read more

Why study in the USA why not the UK or Canada?

A female student carrying books and walking out from the library

When I wanted to do my Masters program, I had three countries as likely destination: the USA, the UK, and Canada. These countries are highly rated by international students worldwide. Therefore, to pick the best destination, I did proper research. I compared facts about the countries in terms of international education. This was when I … Read more

Does transfer approval guarantee admission?

A male Nigerian student Carrying His Backpack

If you’re unaware or find it confusing, a transfer approval is a JAMB CAPS feature that lets higher institutions propose a transfer to another course. This is for students who don’t meet the admission requirements for their original course of choice. Let’s take for example, if you applied for Medicine and Surgery but didn’t meet … Read more

How to accept transfer approval on JAMB CAPS

A female college student in Black Shirt reading in a library

It’s a common practice in Nigeria to be offered admission to study a course outside the one you chose when you applied for admission. This happens all the time, especially if you do not meet the admission requirements of the course you chose or there is no more space available for that particular course. When … Read more

How to write a scholarship application letter

A woman reading something on her laptop and writing a letter on the desk

Back in school, the scholarships I received played a big role in my education. They didn’t just cover the cost of my studies but also supported my off-school activities – which made my entire experience even better. At first, applying for, and getting scholarships was stressful – I had to write a good letter and … Read more