What happens if an international student failed a class in Canada?

In Canada, the educational system is designed to help students succeed.

There are support programs like counselling, tutoring, and other services to help students perform better academically.

However, amidst all this, it is not impossible to fail.

As someone who has worked closely with international students in Canada, I’ve seen students fail classes despite working hard.

When you fail a class, here’s what to expect.

What happens if an international student failed a class in Canada?

If you fail a class in Canada, you’ll retake the failed class or take part in other academic activities like scheduled tests, assignments, or supplementary workshops to make up for the failed class and improve yourself in the courses you failed.

However, if the failed class make it impossible for you to continue your program.

That is, if your score does not meet the minimum requirement to progress to the next level, you can switch to another program or institution.

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While failing can be condoned, failing continuously will get you placed on probation or dismissed from your program.

In addition, failing a class will also affect your ability to maintain full-time status, which is important to comply with your study permit.

Every international student is required to maintain full-time status and continuously progress in their academics.

When you fail a class, you can’t keep these terms. You can’t continuously progress or maintain full-time status.

This will jeopardize your student status.

If you can’t maintain full-time status due to a failed class, you’ll no longer be eligible to continue your program and your visa could be cancelled.

Failing a class doesn’t automatically jeopardize your student status, but dropping below the minimum mark required for full-time enrollment or to make progress in your program might.

In Canada, if you can’t cope with your principal program, you can switch to another with lesser academic demand.

Therefore, if you fail a class and your general score is below what you need to continue your program, you can switch to another program in the same institution or another institution. 

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Many colleges and universities judge their student based on their semester performance (they use the semester system).

With this, your performance in every course is important, but your overall semester performance determines your fate.

If you fail only one course but your overall average score is good (you met the minimum requirements to progress in your program), you’ll be allowed to continue.

However, you’ll retake the course you failed or make up for it.

What if I fail in one subject in Canada?

If you fail one subject in Canada, it is easier to resolve, you’ll retake the subject.

Failing one subject isn’t much of a threat to your academics in Canada.

However, you’ll make up for it by retaking the subject you failed.

Does failing a course affect PGWP?

Failing a course does not directly affect your eligibility for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP), but it could if it causes you to lose your full-time student status.

To qualify for a PGWP, you must maintain full-time enrollment during your studies, except for your final semester.

When you fail and lose your full-time enrollment, it’ll disqualify you from getting a PGWP.

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In addition, failing will delay your graduation, which will complicate the timelines for applying for the PGWP.

If you don’t complete your program on time due to failed courses, you’ll not meet up to apply for PGWP.

Will failing a class affect your student visa in Canada?

Failing a class does not directly affect your student visa, however, if you fail a class and it leads to unsatisfactory academic progress, it’ll affect your student visa.

Universities and colleges (in Canada) do report poor academic performance to IRCC, which will put your visa at risk.

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Although, before you’re reported, you’ll get warnings and academic support to help you succeed.

Your school, your professors and the government want you to succeed but that won’t protect you from consequences if you continue failing.

Consequences of failing a class in Canada as an international student

When you fail a class in Canada, here are the consequences:

  • It’ll affect your GPA:
    This is the first thing that happens when you fail a class. It’ll reduce your Grade Point Average (GPA). Do not forget that you need to meet your program’s minimum GPA to progress in your studies.
  • You’ll retake the class:
    When you fail, you’ll be asked to retake the course you failed to progress to the next level.
  • Academic probation:
    If you fail repeatedly, this will be your fate. You’ll be placed on probation. While on probation, further failure will get you suspended and expelled.
  • Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP):
    To qualify for a PGWP, you need to complete your program, when you fail, your graduation will be delayed and you can’t apply for a PGWP.
  • It’ll extend your study permit validity: Your study permit is tied to the duration of your program. If you fail and need more time outside your study permit, you’ll extend it.
  • It will affect your full-time status:
    If you fail and can’t get the required course load (usually three to five courses per semester), it’ll put your study permit at risk.

As a student in Canada, I know at some point I struggled with some challenging courses during my first semester, I remember feeling anxious about these potential outcomes.

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However, reaching out to my professors and academic advisors helped me get everything sorted out.

What to do if you fail a class as an international student in Canada

If you fail a class, the first thing is to:

1. Talk to your academic advisor

Let me give you one tip. Throughout your time as a student in Canada, stay in touch with your academic advisors.

They’re there to help you every step of the way. Meet your adviser and discuss your issues.

You’ll get the help you need.

2. Retake the class

When you fail, you need to resit for the failed courses. While on that, ensure you follow your institution’s retake policies.

3. Go for academic support programs

Take advantage of services like tutoring, counselling, or study groups.

These services will help you understand your course better and improve your performance.

What will happen if international students fail all their units in their first semester?

If you fail all your units in your first semester, you’ll be withdrawn from the program and asked to switch to another program or change institution.

No institution will have you continue your program if you fail all the units in your first semester.

What if I fail one subject in 1st semester in Canada?

If you fail one subject in your first semester in Canada, it’s not much of an issue, you’ll retake it and continue with your program.

Failing one subject is very common among international students and it is usually addressed immediately.

It bears no lasting consequences unless you continue to fail more subjects.

What happens if an international student fails a course

In situations where you fail only a course, it’s easy to handle, you just need to resit the course you failed or make up for it through other means.

Failing only becomes a problem when it happens continuously!

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International students fail all the time, and the issue gets handled.

Failing a class will:

  • Affect your academic standing
  • Put you at the risk of losing your student status
  • And, delay your graduation.

If you fail a class, speak with your academic adviser, and you’ll be advised.

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